In the newest update v0.9.0 we've added an input field above the dice icons allowing you to enter complex dice notations. This will lead to better playability of dice pool systems where the number of dice are dynamic and quickly add up.
More basic math functions are now also supported. While additions and subtraction where always possible you can now also divide and mulitply your rolls.
The common "k" notations to "keep" only some of the rolled dice is now supported too. "k" and "kh" will keep the highest dice while "kl" will keep the lowest. "2d20k1" would be a typical D&D advantage roll. "7d10kl3" will roll 7 d10 and keep only the lowest 3.
Homebrew VTT
These simple improvements should push Fey-Gate further into the direciton of becoming the best VTT for smaller or homebrew systems not supported by other VTTs. If you're still missing features regarding dice rolls or anything else feel free to head over to Discord and get in contact.